your coke is cooked by satan in the pits of hell

This is what the front of the 'news' pieces of paper look like in Monterrey, every single day.
This is not what Monterrey looks like every single day.
Not from what I have actually seen.
This is what the first article on the Melburnian internet news screen reads like today.
ONE of the world's most powerful organised crime syndicates, Mexico's Sinaloa cartel, has infiltrated Australia, importing up to half of the cocaine used on the nation's east coast over the past two years.Don't worry, they are lovely family cartel who swim in pools of flowers and play hand claps with your kids.
If it was the zetas you would have reason to be concerned, but Sinaloa chaps are happy and clappy.
¡Ask anyone wey!
It has also highlighted how the surging numbers of Australian cocaine users is helping enrich a network responsible for the deaths of thousands of Mexicans and the destabilisation of the Mexican state.Think about the world outside your neighbourhood and outside the inside of your nose.
In relation to legs, I'm an amputee who lives in a glass house full of head fucking rocks.
The Sinaloa cartel is controlled by billionaire drug lord Joaquin ''El Chapo'' Guzman. Its clashes with rival drug syndicates fuel unprecedented bloodshed and corruption in Mexico.But it is alright, when the government start openly doing deals with the cartels again, everything will be alright.
The media will tell the truth, democracy will be more open and accountable to the people, and everyone will work to help eradicate inequality and the slow death of the poverty stricken rural population of Mexico.
¡Ask anyone wey!
More than 28,000 people have died in Mexico since 2006, when President Felipe Calderon ordered 50,000 soldiers to join police in a ''drug war'' that some senior Mexican officials now believe has been lost.So we need to regroup, buy more guns, buy more tanks, authorise the use of chemical weapons in the city streets, kill every single last one of the bastards, win the war, and everything will be awesome. Like in America. Like in America after they won WWII, because they are strong and brave and smart and the best.
¡Its true dude!
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently said Mexico's drug cartels were beginning to resemble an insurgency. ''It's looking more and more like Colombia looked 20 years ago, when the narco-traffickers controlled certain parts of the country,'' she said.We should carpet bomb those parts of the country, strafe the farms and villages with helicopter gunships.
It worked for America in Vietnam.
!Trust us!
Cocaine use has surged across Australia over the past two years.Still want to suck Charlies dick?
I know I do, it tastes fucking amazing.
Ugh. Yuck.
Everyone is a fucking faggot.
No one on earth has a brain, everyone on earth has a bullet.
wa de f**k, this can't be true! if only we were so gullible..
nothing is true.
that is the only truth anyone should really believe in. maybe.
some people in mexico are very 'stupid' and very gullible
¡its true dude!
although most mexican people are nowhere near as 'stupid' and gullible as the majority of people in my country
¡i'm telling you wey!
most people on the big island in the middle of the pacific ocean believe that the things they read in all of the newspapers are true
¿why would the lie?
shit gets real in mexico, so most people have a much healthier sense of skepticism and distrust of power here
¡es verdad wey!
we can all hold onto hope for freedom! and democracy! and justice!
and maybe even one day some sort of lasting peace and reality for people everywhere...
because there are people in both places, and all places, that don't believe what they are told, and don't do what they are told.
don't believe what you read
fuck tha police
rage against the machine
viva la mexico
viva la gente de mexico?
mi ablo espanol de la idiota.
long live the people of the planet
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