after a night of drinking on rooftops
staring at the city lights dancing
the only thing as good as waking up
in bed with lots of lovely latina ladies
is the goodness to be had upon getting up
listenin' to spanish singing and dancing
makin' sweet banana pancakes
with even sweeter back rubs.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
sitting and staring sadly...
No tenia disposición mas que dos experiencias: la del sujeto mirado y la del sujeto mirarte. - Roland Barthes, La Camara Lucida ~ 1980.
An image begins its movement the instant we look at it.
They transform from the stoned certainty of the sensory chase, into a flowing pool of fluid meaning the instant they are captured and frozen. No matter the form a mediated memory takes, a video, a picture, a painting, a photo, there will always be movements brimming with the life of the viewer, and therefore will do a different dance for each person who picks its up. Never believe what you see. Particularly in an ever-moving memory object. For while you are looking at it and leering, like a ravenous and arrogant jackal on a desperate quest for meaning and blood, you are only staring in a mirror of memory, and it is looking back at you and laughly silently. We know this, we've talked about this, but words can't describe the magical physical manifestations of sentimentality.
An image begins its movement the instant we look at it.
They transform from the stoned certainty of the sensory chase, into a flowing pool of fluid meaning the instant they are captured and frozen. No matter the form a mediated memory takes, a video, a picture, a painting, a photo, there will always be movements brimming with the life of the viewer, and therefore will do a different dance for each person who picks its up. Never believe what you see. Particularly in an ever-moving memory object. For while you are looking at it and leering, like a ravenous and arrogant jackal on a desperate quest for meaning and blood, you are only staring in a mirror of memory, and it is looking back at you and laughly silently. We know this, we've talked about this, but words can't describe the magical physical manifestations of sentimentality.
Barthes wrote Camera Lucia as a eulogy for his mother.
Sentimentality changed he though about thinking about looking at pictures.
Sentimentality changed he though about thinking about looking at pictures.
Codes of culture and language and philosophy are limited in terms of truly understanding anything.
They often have no relevance love and pain and the past.
Love and pain and the past are all just words.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
first dream for fucking ages...
people always say,
if you stop smoking bud,
you’ll be dreaming once more,
at night,
and in general.
i never trust what people say,
its a strength of mine,
but also a big problem,
people’s intentions are innocent.
people also say,
if you write down your dreams,
right away upon waking,
if you stop smoking bud,
you’ll be dreaming once more,
at night,
and in general.
i never trust what people say,
its a strength of mine,
but also a big problem,
people’s intentions are innocent.
people also say,
if you write down your dreams,
right away upon waking,
the memories,
return with a vengeance.
from what I can tell,
both are based in truth,
as far as I can tell,
from the information,
I have at my disposal,
I just woke up,
I dreamt that I got home,
drank beer in parks,
ate watermelon in parks,
and sat on the steps of parliament house.
you wanted to paint it purple,
I wanted to burn it down,
we couldn’t agree,
but it didn’t matter,
we were the best and brightest
of our pathetic democracy.
then I went to exchange again,
in Iraq,
Heavy Metal In Baghdad,
which was fucking good,
not very ‘cool’,
but very fucking good.
return with a vengeance.
from what I can tell,
both are based in truth,
as far as I can tell,
from the information,
I have at my disposal,
I just woke up,
I dreamt that I got home,
drank beer in parks,
ate watermelon in parks,
and sat on the steps of parliament house.
you wanted to paint it purple,
I wanted to burn it down,
we couldn’t agree,
but it didn’t matter,
we were the best and brightest
of our pathetic democracy.
then I went to exchange again,
in Iraq,
Heavy Metal In Baghdad,
which was fucking good,
not very ‘cool’,
but very fucking good.
the centre of the serious action,
because I had to head to the coast,
because I wanted to go surfing.
there I lived,
on a cliff,
the weather was hot,
the nights were nice,
the surf was massive,
the food was foreign,
the locals were crazy,
some of them were very friendly,
I made Iraqi friends-for-life.
‘bra boys’ are massive pussies.
I thought Iraq was land-locked?
a tale of two cities #3...
your coke is cooked by satan in the pits of hell

This is what the front of the 'news' pieces of paper look like in Monterrey, every single day.
This is not what Monterrey looks like every single day.
Not from what I have actually seen.
This is what the first article on the Melburnian internet news screen reads like today.
ONE of the world's most powerful organised crime syndicates, Mexico's Sinaloa cartel, has infiltrated Australia, importing up to half of the cocaine used on the nation's east coast over the past two years.Don't worry, they are lovely family cartel who swim in pools of flowers and play hand claps with your kids.
If it was the zetas you would have reason to be concerned, but Sinaloa chaps are happy and clappy.
¡Ask anyone wey!
It has also highlighted how the surging numbers of Australian cocaine users is helping enrich a network responsible for the deaths of thousands of Mexicans and the destabilisation of the Mexican state.Think about the world outside your neighbourhood and outside the inside of your nose.
In relation to legs, I'm an amputee who lives in a glass house full of head fucking rocks.
The Sinaloa cartel is controlled by billionaire drug lord Joaquin ''El Chapo'' Guzman. Its clashes with rival drug syndicates fuel unprecedented bloodshed and corruption in Mexico.But it is alright, when the government start openly doing deals with the cartels again, everything will be alright.
The media will tell the truth, democracy will be more open and accountable to the people, and everyone will work to help eradicate inequality and the slow death of the poverty stricken rural population of Mexico.
¡Ask anyone wey!
More than 28,000 people have died in Mexico since 2006, when President Felipe Calderon ordered 50,000 soldiers to join police in a ''drug war'' that some senior Mexican officials now believe has been lost.So we need to regroup, buy more guns, buy more tanks, authorise the use of chemical weapons in the city streets, kill every single last one of the bastards, win the war, and everything will be awesome. Like in America. Like in America after they won WWII, because they are strong and brave and smart and the best.
¡Its true dude!
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently said Mexico's drug cartels were beginning to resemble an insurgency. ''It's looking more and more like Colombia looked 20 years ago, when the narco-traffickers controlled certain parts of the country,'' she said.We should carpet bomb those parts of the country, strafe the farms and villages with helicopter gunships.
It worked for America in Vietnam.
!Trust us!
Cocaine use has surged across Australia over the past two years.Still want to suck Charlies dick?
I know I do, it tastes fucking amazing.
Ugh. Yuck.
Everyone is a fucking faggot.
No one on earth has a brain, everyone on earth has a bullet.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
mi encanta esta foto de las piernas...
a trio of lovely latin ladies
drew me some bits and pieces
part of a picture each
una foto de las piernas y penes

i love pictures.
i love legs.
Monday, September 13, 2010
burnin down tha house...
a set of sort of
star-crossed lovers
a forbidden fruit lies
on the other side of time
the distance is not great
enough to close the gate
on stands on sleeper left
the other sleeper right
they face each other and wish
and wait
they don’t touch each other
though they both
with they would
how and why and when
could it should it would it
she sticks her head
straight in the sandpit
get the fuck out of my treehouse
he wants to burn it down
the honest and hard-working
hardwood house
her father has-been
star-crossed lovers
a forbidden fruit lies
on the other side of time
the distance is not great
enough to close the gate
on stands on sleeper left
the other sleeper right
they face each other and wish
and wait
they don’t touch each other
though they both
with they would
how and why and when
could it should it would it
she sticks her head
straight in the sandpit
get the fuck out of my treehouse
he wants to burn it down
the honest and hard-working
hardwood house
her father has-been
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Band Name Idea #348 - Mexican 'Death-Dentist' Fucked-up Facewound.
the two best things about a mexican dentist

is that they are lovely and old and caring and cute
and that they give you an equally cute and lovely little yellow mouse
and that they give you an equally cute and lovely little yellow mouse
to take your tooth home in
whether you like it or not
similar to dentists everywhere
i assume
(me no estiendo español ~ neither does this keyboard)
(me no estiendo español ~ neither does this keyboard)
they recommend that you brush your teeth

good ole joe strummer didn't believe in brushing his teeth
and he was a fucking cool dude

until that happened to all of them
and he bought new ones for the TV cameras
and for his fucking girlfriend
what a fucking sell-out man.
you should try to be more like good ole joe
and less like the good but deliberately stupid young one
don't let him have trained for the london marathon while smoking cigarettes in vain
learn the lessons of his youth
sing songs of freedom with johnny cash
defend the ghettos
know your rights
wrong 'em boyo
stand up straight
in the Ramshackle Day Parade
live in Garageland
play in Garage bands
rock the fuckin' casbah
tell em your name
throw the two thoughts of rock
those of lover's and of revolution
don't get lost in the supermarket
or work for the fucking clampdown
but do it all of this without
the massive hole in your head

don't reject all of your career opportunities
only the ones that you think are wrong
don't get so bored with the U.S.A
there are plenty of good people there
to try to to make right
what others have done wrong
in the words of good ole joe
i'm still a man of 'the left'
but i no longer hate america
how could i?
many of my best friends are american
its not their fucking fault
stop saying fuck the world
start saying fucking fix it.
poor old, wise ole joe
shouldn't have done so many fucking drugs
pretty please,
brush your teeth and stay in school
you arrogant little cunts.
thank you kindly.
the worst thing about a mexican dentist?
for fuck's sake
and for good ole joe's
don't be so fucking xenophobic
he would want to punch your fucking face in too
but wouldn't actually do it.
be good,
international dentistry,
joe strummer,
the clash
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