This sort of story pisses me off for a variety of reasons.
Firstly, I'm against the use of brown coal technologies and all for rapid investment in clean, renewable energy sources. This is the simplest, fastest, most ethical way to combat climate change. The only thing stopping mass investment in renewables is societies worship of the almighty dollar over the health of our environment. The biggest mistake of all is the idea that putting off decisive action on climate change for the sake of the economy will lead to future economic stability. That is like prescribing smoking as a treatment for obesity. The money will all melt when the planet explodes people, of that you can be sure. I'm also all for protesting and demonstrating and using any means possible to draw attention to the dire situation.
Yes, it is a very big but.
The hair-brained half-arsed lackadaisical patchouli stinking morons fucked it up. Again.
Firstly, if you are fair-dinkum and believe in your cause, you have to be willing to take risks to raise awareness. Breaking into Australia's highest polluting coal-fired power station and hand the operators a fake decomission notice, signed, The Australian People? Perfect. Media storm, high-profile court cases, public outrage and empathy, consider your awareness raised, motherfuckers.
This particular batch of flea-ridden bonged-out eco-warriors are so incapable of any form of energy, let alone bravery, that they felt the need to inform Victoria Police of the exact date, time, and location of their carefully planned and orchestrated guerilla "break-in". I mean come on kiddies, HARDEN THE FUCK UP. This is Australia, you're not going to get chopped down by AK-47's for jumping over a fence. Yes, the bonehead country coppers might give you a little slap and tickle, but grow some balls and deal with it. Its not right, but it is all that is to be expected.
Instead of jumping your the little fence and getting yourself into a position to cause some serious mischeif that would cause people to sit up and take notice, you phone in your presence to the pigs. Then you stand around your little farm fence which is now surrounded by a "...huge police presence, with officers on trail bikes, horses and in helicopters", waving your little plastic signs and yelling, until every so often when one of the dumb young male mung-beans gets desperate enough to big-note himself in front of the female flea-bag populace that he heroically throws himself at the fence. Only to be beaten down by the army of cops in choppers. Well done hero, point proved. It comes as no suprise to me that the only police officer injured in this little dalliance was a female.
I'm totally against any excessive use of force by police in any situation. Fuck Tha' Police.
Anti-Flag - Fuck Police Brutality
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