If only that was his real campaign poster. HAHA.
I know I'm on the same "what the fuck is wrong with americans?" tangent as the other day but...
I'm finding it infuriating that both the Obama administration and Rudd government have had to spend half of the week fending off accusations of having "socialist" or "left-centric" political ideologies.

Obama attempts to reform America's ailing health system and gets depicted by the christian right as the second coming of Che Guevara. "He is a traitor. He's either a Marxist or a Communist and we're not. He's totally un-American," Ms Calzone said." These rednecks obviously don't have even the slightest semblance of understanding of the policy being debated. They know only that Obama is trying to steal their hard-inherited fortunes and dole it out to disgusting poor people like one of those damn commies their uncle's love to talk about shooting.
Wayne Swann talks bank regulation in question time, so Joe Hockey jumps on his iPhone mid-sitting to conspire with the twitterverse about the left-leaning nature of the majority of finance ministers at the G20 summit. Rudd is forced to spend the majority of the next day in the house waxing some hard-style empty political rhetoric about his government's fresh and factionless core and denouncing Howard era "neo-liberalism" in an attempt to stamp out any potential ideological fear campaign from the opposition.
For fuck's sake. Debate the issues; your ideologies are all fucked regardless.
Apparently Rudd may be considering re-introducing the bill to means test the private healthcare rebate to parliament in December in an attempt to force a double-dissolution election.... It seems that "socialist" health care reforms are going to be front and centre of both American and Australian politics for some time to come...
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