This was a horrible article to read to begin my day. Obama's approval rating with white Americans is dropping like um's and ah's from George Bush's donkey-with-down syndrome mouth. Fast and furious. The percentage of the population that he managed to persuade to vote for a black man even though they didn't really want to has pretty much turned the page and realise the folly of their ways. They knew in their hearts that Bush was a bad-man (not BATMAN) and America needed real "change". Obama screamed that word loud enough and long enough that eventually they caved in and voted for something different even though they had no idea what the change would entail. They just knew they wanted something else. Now that he is trying to cure America's sick and sadistic health care system and reform the unfair elitist education system, the conservatives all scream "socialist" and every cookie-cutter-white-bread Miss and Mr. Americana jump of the bandwagon kicking and screaming and clutching their dollars. I wish he was a real socialist and I wish the American people would let him act like one so that the world could be at the very least a slightly less fucked up place. I wrote this after he was elected:
The gears of war,
on the evening news,
seem to be grinding down,
through a few of their teeth.
Still no hope of a decent world,
but are we seeing glimmers,
of a slightly better style?
The problem will be on the flipside.
Be it one, two, or three,
what will follow is what frightens me.
Will the successor represent,
the pendulum-axe of the reactionary people?
Will every positive action,
have its future cousin reaction of evil?
I hope for the first time,
what goes up,
will keep rising.
Believing in breaking the laws of physics,
isn't my style,
but for some reason,
I can't help but hold hope.
Holding out hope for the future,
is different to religion right?
Fail. I was wrong. The world is fucked.
Unfuck the world!
Apathy is easy,
resistance is futile,
change is impossible,
hope is useless,
while money is power,
and hegemony dominates.