Monday, April 11, 2011

fuck off, we're full (of shit)...

Q. Try Hard Hippy:
yo what are your thoughts on them god damn immigents? in particular, the asylum seeker variety?

A. Angry Giraffe:
The fact that there are grown men rotting in over-crowded jails all over our 'fair and free' wide brown land for years on end, solely for the heinous 'crime' of 'arriving illegally', for having the natural human desire to try to find some semblance of shelter, sustenance and safety for themselves and their children makes me want to burn down parliament house.

The fact that there are women and children locked in jails all over fuck-we're-good-blokes-and-everybody-else-are-evil-bastards-especially-the-brown-people Australia because they tried to leave behind a life living in constant fear of death, and violence while going to get bread and milk from the corner store that is either low on everything or doesn't exist at all... makes me want to stab all of my xenophobic retard mates in cold blood then shoot myself in the face with a shotgun.

But y'know I'm an angry overly idealistic loud-mouth hypocrite hippie punk who can barely tie his own shoelaces so I'm probably wrong about everything and we should just keep doing everything exactly the way we are because there's a chance that if we change anything, it might make stuff start getting worse than it already is in the future.

Maybe we should just all do whatever the fuck we want all of the time except be gay or use bad language or have sex before marriage, regularly ask Jesus to forgive us for all the other evil shit we do, and everything will be all sweet.

If you send a question to, I promise I won't insult your mother with my answer unless she deserves it.

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