Wednesday, March 30, 2011


If a bear shits dreamily in the woods and the fucking pope is nowhere near the scene of the rather serene crime to hear anything about it, then what's the point of it being posted on some weirdo's music blog where no-one will ever fucking well smell that shit? There is no point at all, one would argue correctly. This explains why it must be posted on this motherfucker right here, this mighty bastion of mainstream indie-alternative trend-setting, this new cool cunt fuckwit bible, this extremely-well-known-except-only-in-the-coolest-kids-on-the-interwebz-circles music and other cool stuff interweblog, this super successful superstar elitist style sensation that like ptch4k or whatever like totes wishes it could be, but knows it never will be because like chuh as if, this space that is soon to be smothered in heaps of hyper lucrative hispter fashion label advertising, extorting money out of its fucking fabulously fashionable fanbase, whose super sublimely sensational taste in absolutely everything and soul squashing preoccupation with social status leads them buy a whole bunch of ridiculous shit they don't need in the slightest but desperately need to own for the sake of the consumer-item cultural capital that it brings to their personal brand, thus making the 'uber-cool' capitalist pigdog AmeriApparel style 'socially conscious' corporations (and consequently the best blog ever itself) ultra rich and therefore even cooler, this be all and end all of music and modern cultural criticism, this blog that this blog reccomends ultra-highly, that this blog suggests that if you don't like it you're probably a loser or weird or something, and gives its new album 10.3 out of 9.... Conversations With Unicorns.

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