Sunday, October 3, 2010

sueño numero doce...

after I finally begged,
she tried to leave,
then sheepishly returned,
ding dong on my doorbell,
despite the bell-end
I ignored the pig-head.
you so stupid, stupid.

in the dreamtime I dreamt of her,
of her and her friend,
inside and out,
don’t believe the lies...
on the seventh day,
god created a shower.

I awoke avoiding reality,
wishing on whims,
wanting to touch,
very very much,
although also wildly worried,
a feeling for a friend,
es only the dreamtime amigo,
friends aren’t that friendly in the daytime.

Remember the past.
Don’t do anything stupid, stupid.
You so stupid, stupid.
Stop choosing such stupid choices, stupid.
Start being smart, stupid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds familiar