Hey Hey Who Gives a Fuck? This shit is straight-up political advertising for stupid people. Direct political expediency. Play the straight bat to popularist outrage.. Pop it straight up to mid-off so he can get it back to the bowlers twice as fast. Repeat. A red cyclone of anger over issues that don't affect anyone unless they want them to. Worse than Howard. If he wins, the front-page-of-the-sun readers and the commercial radio shockjocks of the world will run the nation. There will be parliamentary debate about Kyle Sandilans and about what Kylie is wearing to the Logies. The irony of watching Tony squirm as he was seated next to a gay icon, a glam rock make-up wearing rockstar, and a gay man.. [That was a good speech, Lloyd. If I was 25 and liked cock, we could be something.]...
Yeek. Stay away from the children['s toys] Tony.
I used to love Plucka Duck, but never...you sick... yeah.. ugh.. anyway..
If you had approached any man at any point in the last ten years who had, at any stage of his life, been anywhere even remotely near the vicinity of a newspaper... or even his faculties... and told him that in 2010 Tony Abbott would be hugging Plucka Duck on a remade Hey Hey... as leader of the Liberal Party... with an apparent opportunity to win the election... he would found you creative and amusing. I love Hey Hey as much as the next card-carrying Castle dweller... but neither I, nor Darryl Kerrigan, will ever love Tony Abbott.
So here we have it...election eve[ish] 2010...
At least this is an improvement [entertainment-wise] on 2007's boring-off... all anyone cared about was getting rid of Howard and whether or not he would lose his seat... we did... he did... and Rudd turned out to be less 'same old same old' than his electioneering at the time suggested he would be... so much so that towards the end of his first his term...he developed an actual ego [not just a smarmy smirk]...lost his mind... and tried to actually change a small something about the way the nation works...got his head cut off for his trouble... so damned pestilent...a series of events which has paved the way for...
Gillard vs Abbott 2010.
The Maintain-the-rage-ing Idiot Lefty Unionist Unmarried Childless 'Barren' Ranga Radical Atheist vs The Crazy Christian Child-eating Ovary-kicking Raging Right-to-Life Anti-IVF Anti-Queer NeoConservative Mad Monk...
At least shit is interesting nowadays... or should be anyway...
Since Jules triumphantly headbutted her way through the highest glass ceiling in the nation, she has done nothing but deaden and dumb down Labour's existing policies in a disgusting case of political expediency. Power Corrupts... even you Jules, you pig. Rudd was slipping in the polls, so the caucus cut off his head and with it the head from his most progressive policies. Take back what's ours from the hands of big business and no offshore asylum seeker processing... Many have argued that Gillard's maneuvering since taking control has amounted to wise and necessary political posturing that will ensure Labour is returned...
I think I might disagree.. to a certain extent.
While I agree that the mining industry's advertising campaign was killing Rudd, and that Gillard did the right thing by offering the olive branch to the multinationals...{if i hear one more commentator call international mining conglomerate corporations "miners"... grrr..}... I think Labour could have and probably should have given alot less back to the big-wigs in the re-negotiation over the extent of the tax... With opposition like Abbott, I think Labour were too hasty to go back on a decent looking piece of policy to pump up{(possibly temporarily)}flagging polls. Especially when it came out a week later that the concessions given back to the mining industry were $3bn a year more than Labour estimated they would be when they announced the 'new deal'.
The new policy is a highly bastardised little cousin of one of Rudd's more notable 'ideaz'... further evidence towards the case that nothing ever gets done, and probably never is going to get done, around here.
Abbott starves his dog. Severely and without remorse. He loves the word 'brand' in relation to the reputation of a political party. Getting the brand out there. Improving the brand. Like all advertising and brand management... deceitful, untrustworthy, say what they want us to say... avoid this shit at all costs. Go on, fool the stupid for your own benefit fuckwit. Brand Abbott, the blind rabbit.
I used to love Plucka Duck, but never...you sick... yeah.. ugh.. anyway..
If you had approached any man at any point in the last ten years who had, at any stage of his life, been anywhere even remotely near the vicinity of a newspaper... or even his faculties... and told him that in 2010 Tony Abbott would be hugging Plucka Duck on a remade Hey Hey... as leader of the Liberal Party... with an apparent opportunity to win the election... he would found you creative and amusing. I love Hey Hey as much as the next card-carrying Castle dweller... but neither I, nor Darryl Kerrigan, will ever love Tony Abbott.
So here we have it...election eve[ish] 2010...
At least this is an improvement [entertainment-wise] on 2007's boring-off... all anyone cared about was getting rid of Howard and whether or not he would lose his seat... we did... he did... and Rudd turned out to be less 'same old same old' than his electioneering at the time suggested he would be... so much so that towards the end of his first his term...he developed an actual ego [not just a smarmy smirk]...lost his mind... and tried to actually change a small something about the way the nation works...got his head cut off for his trouble... so damned pestilent...a series of events which has paved the way for...
Gillard vs Abbott 2010.
The Maintain-the-rage-ing Idiot Lefty Unionist Unmarried Childless 'Barren' Ranga Radical Atheist vs The Crazy Christian Child-eating Ovary-kicking Raging Right-to-Life Anti-IVF Anti-Queer NeoConservative Mad Monk...
At least shit is interesting nowadays... or should be anyway...
Since Jules triumphantly headbutted her way through the highest glass ceiling in the nation, she has done nothing but deaden and dumb down Labour's existing policies in a disgusting case of political expediency. Power Corrupts... even you Jules, you pig. Rudd was slipping in the polls, so the caucus cut off his head and with it the head from his most progressive policies. Take back what's ours from the hands of big business and no offshore asylum seeker processing... Many have argued that Gillard's maneuvering since taking control has amounted to wise and necessary political posturing that will ensure Labour is returned...
I think I might disagree.. to a certain extent.
While I agree that the mining industry's advertising campaign was killing Rudd, and that Gillard did the right thing by offering the olive branch to the multinationals...{if i hear one more commentator call international mining conglomerate corporations "miners"... grrr..}... I think Labour could have and probably should have given alot less back to the big-wigs in the re-negotiation over the extent of the tax... With opposition like Abbott, I think Labour were too hasty to go back on a decent looking piece of policy to pump up{(possibly temporarily)}flagging polls. Especially when it came out a week later that the concessions given back to the mining industry were $3bn a year more than Labour estimated they would be when they announced the 'new deal'.
The new policy is a highly bastardised little cousin of one of Rudd's more notable 'ideaz'... further evidence towards the case that nothing ever gets done, and probably never is going to get done, around here.
Abbott starves his dog. Severely and without remorse. He loves the word 'brand' in relation to the reputation of a political party. Getting the brand out there. Improving the brand. Like all advertising and brand management... deceitful, untrustworthy, say what they want us to say... avoid this shit at all costs. Go on, fool the stupid for your own benefit fuckwit. Brand Abbott, the blind rabbit.
Policy over personality, people.
Labour saved this depraved economy with the stimulus spending that the coalition voted against. Under the conservatives, no one would have been able to rush out and buy new white goods to return consumer spending and confidence to the Harvey Norman economy... unemployment would have been through the roof. Labour bought the budget back to surplus faster than they said they would. They Libs said they would get no where near doing so in an even longer time frame. Morons hang their votes on the empty claim that the Libs have the 'economic credentials' to run the country.
Labour doesn't have enough 'left' left in her to do any serious 'damage' to the economy through changes to I.R. Laws or 'capitulating' to the unions.
The Worker's Party mentality is dead. Despite their new leader's former life of lofty egalitarian rhetoric, there is no serious push from within the party towards increased left or union influence.
Both parties have no real policy on climate change.
Both party's believe that the best policy here is to argue with the other. Full stop.
The Liberal Party is a fucked unit. They are either purely outdated or purely objectionable in all areas of policy. They have no policy except no. They are against seriously trying to change anything, ever. A vote for Abbot is a vote for irrational Neoconservatism. George Bush with bigger ears. Try to keep things how they were, despite how they are now, and how they will be in the future. Fuck the future. No gays, no abortion, no IVF, no boat people, no services. Cut, cut, cut public spending. He is running an election campagin based on a platform that basically amounts to "don't vote for Labour..... because they're gay."
The Worker's Party mentality is dead. Despite their new leader's former life of lofty egalitarian rhetoric, there is no serious push from within the party towards increased left or union influence.
Both parties have no real policy on climate change.
Both party's believe that the best policy here is to argue with the other. Full stop.
The Liberal Party is a fucked unit. They are either purely outdated or purely objectionable in all areas of policy. They have no policy except no. They are against seriously trying to change anything, ever. A vote for Abbot is a vote for irrational Neoconservatism. George Bush with bigger ears. Try to keep things how they were, despite how they are now, and how they will be in the future. Fuck the future. No gays, no abortion, no IVF, no boat people, no services. Cut, cut, cut public spending. He is running an election campagin based on a platform that basically amounts to "don't vote for Labour..... because they're gay."
Fuck off Abbott.
Economic 'conservatism' is arguably defensible by rational argument.
Social conservatism is defensible only by arguments I have absoutely no time for.
And Labour entertain the idea of an internet filter.
A vote for Labour is a vote for not enough change,
Hey Cunts,
Vote Green,please.
If you're a negative creep who hate hippies, plants, animals, and future generations..
At least vote for something you really know and care about..
Don't vote for Abbott because he is not a woman and not a hippy.
He is a retard.
He is a shit bloke.
Vote for The Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party.
or try to resurrect the Lower Excise Fuel and Beer Party.
Just don't vote Abbott. He wants to eat your children and rape your wife.
Or if you're most interested in loving than fighting or politics,
If you like sex..
Vote for The Australian Sex Party
Vote Sexy in the Senate!
Fuck the idea of censoring the internet!
We love fucking!
Fuck yeah!
Don't vote Abbott!

rank rant. every right wing bone in my body hates this, but at the moment labor is more right than left. agree with most of what u say, especially about climate. labor still has the internet filter on the back burner so my vote will not sit anywhere near them for the time. I agree a small party vote is the way to go. why no mention of the nats?
Woooooo! Rad as Miles.
Think for you yourself guys! It's tome to do something about this shit.
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