Friday, March 5, 2010

go over the sea...

no new pin number
no no no
no phone number
coming apart
dick smith, talk to the fuckwits

gamble ‘em
go... go.. go.
bandanna lad
carn ya little piece'a

that beer and fish
on the dock
it's fishy business
the shop floats
fresh as fresh
i am not
55% malt

gorgeous girl, with a walking stick
stomp the hill
lean a tree
drink ‘em, eat ‘em
eat ‘em, drink ‘em

drugs with children, free and easy
smiling stupid
my dad
climbed the tower
on top mt. wellington,
no ropes or nothin'
i’ve lived in spain and england
this joint is the pits
fooled by the sea
could've fooled me
stay in school
inside jokes    

toothless helmut codeine rat
ouch in his eyes
of course
rat don't either
nothin' for nobody

on the way
a bus
a plane
spew on the sandsteps
stoned like the same old

same old
rain delay
read the world away

airport security
cig in hand
phone the other
he’ll sort it out
be careful
he’s always careful
he's sorry

kindred spirit in the air
doof doof doof
picture of a skateboard
pockets full of shit
we'll get along great
drop through the cloud
a familiar film
turbo turbulence
new friends dead
no dropping safe
bank over the bay
arteries of light
slice the suburbscape

down but alive
an hour long wait
hit this city
the trains are off
a wallet feels woeful
a weird warm
the sky spits
walk down tram tracks
smell the steam
wander down wrong st
smell the smackusations

think about feminism
stare at your sex-objects
hitching on main st
flag 'em all
not the yellow
soaked to the bone
need a pick-me-up
all ways but one

a man in a nice car
alert and alarmed
i used to run nightclubs
i’m too old
i'm gay for pay
i drive girls to jobs
i’ll drive you home
not too bad
free of charge
just keep it together

nothing like you...

I arrive home from Tassie to the new  Frightened Rabbit album.
There is a Victorian god.
Rapidshare that shit. Or even buy it.
Frightened Rabbit deserve your money more than you do.
I'm staying in bed for a week with headphones and a cup of tea.
The second single, "Nothing Like You":

Sounding slicker than the bare-bones boner of Midnight Organ Fight..
The lilting melodies and the voice for the emotional ages remain.
See you in a week.